An Evolving Workplace

July 2020

How will the global health emergency impact our workplace?

The Lost Woods

June 2020

Providing every primary school in Glasgow with planting materials to enable children to grow oak trees.

Two women standing in front of rocks. The B Corp logo has been placed on top.

A New Period Paradigm

April 2020

What role does design play in creating a cultural shift towards a sustainable future?

Why Forward?

April 2020

We’ve been banging on about a thing called Forward recently. What is it? And why does it exist?

Community & Ideas

March 2020

Can design help us in the face of a global pandemic?

Two white plugs with holes that form a smiling face

Change for the sake of growth

February 2020

Reflections on the the need for a stronger design culture in Scotland and the UK.

Wide shot of Collective site.

Collective in Dezeen top 10.

December 2019

The end of the year is a good time to reflect, to compile lists and be thankful for what the year has brought, no matter how turbulent it may have been.

A pair of scissors covered in blue ink sit on an ink covered surface.

Marthe Armitage – Artist & Patternmaker

November 2019

Published in September 2019, this book is a journey of rediscovery by Marthe of her work and ideas.

Real Change Collective

September 2019

Helping to protect the wellbeing of migrants and refugees.

Jimmy Cosgrove

January 2019

Looking for signs: ideas and imagined circumstances.